Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Streaming or Downloading: Which option to use of your mobile data?

When it refers to have the pleasure of audio or video on the mobile device, you will get a choice of how to continue: If it is streaming or downloading, which one? It, of course, depends on how you wish to use everything that is included and when.

Here are some important points that will help you to decide how you will spend mobile data.

Functionally, Downloading and Streaming are same

A file is being sent to the device in cases of both downloading and streaming. Only difference is that the streaming file is played as available but downloaded files are stored in memory. The downloaded files can be accessed any time without data. But, if you choose streaming, you need to use data every time.

Intention of downloading

Whether you decide to streaming or downloading a file based on how you use it. If you love to hear any particular songs, and wish to listen them later frequently, then you should download file. In this case you will use data once only. Without internet connection you can access the file to enjoy your favorite songs or movies.

On the other hand, if you are not interested to listen the songs again and again, it is useless to lose storage capacity of the memory device. You can enjoy streaming file directly.

Stopping and starting and selecting "not to finish"

In case of streaming files, you may not find out the point where you left. There are some systems that will help you to restart where it was paused, but other starts over automatically from the beginning. In those cases, you might need to download a few files in a second time, moving up the total amount of data used.

Downloading involves the file to be recovered and stored wholly before you can enjoy it. But, streaming lets you to play without loading the entire file being loaded.

So, walking away in the middle of a streaming file saves your amount of data that you don't listen to, while a downloaded file required to be retrieved and stored before you can enjoy it. The streaming files can be played without being loaded entirely.

Calculate data and decide whether streaming or downloading is convenient for you. If you are using the limited data plan, then it is very important consideration. Always choose your option based on what's best for you.

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