Tuesday, March 26, 2019

6 lessons everyone needs to learn while being single

Being single is tough, especially for those who love to be in a relationship. But, most ironic part is that even  that relationship is nothing but full of drama and loads of problems, it is better to go off the relation right now.

If you already decided to stay single, you will find the following lessons helpful.

Love yourself and love being yourself  

It is a common belief that finding someone to love and to be loved completes you. But it is a knotty puzzle. You might think that all your problems will be vanished when you are in a relationship. The truth is that nobody can love you as you love yourself. A relationship can never fill your emptiness. The true love comes when both of persons love themselves first and share their love with each other. Just go out and treat yourself with a nice dinner. Request a table for you and enjoy the food you like most. If you feel uncomfortable, do it again till you are comfortable.

Find out the things to lift you up

Think of something which you love to enjoy,  but could not do when you had been in a relationship. In toxic relationship, we miss a lot of things that we used to enjoy. Find songs that really lift your mood. Try more them. Find new and involve in them.

Stop wishing what you could have been

It is easy to think what could have been, especially those good things. You may go to some happy place in your imagination. You may easily love to believe that if you had been in love,  the things might have been different.

But ask yourself again, is this really help to make you happy. Probably not. It is very easy to think of the ideal situation, but when we were in the past, it deprived all our happiness.

We tend to connect some good memories with our “Ex” during our loneliness. The hard truth is that the person with whom you were in relation is not in your relationship anymore. The person is “Ex” now.

Try to be grateful for the person you taught to learn how to cope with the adversities.

Feel genuinely happy for the people in the relationship

It is human to feel jealous of those in a relationship. But,  next time you feel like this, stop your feeling. One of the best ways to get over the feelings is to tell them verbally how much you are happy now. They will be happy to hear it and it will bounce back to you.

Go out and meet people whom you could relate

There are lots of ways to find and meet people of  your choice. Join any group and meet other singles like you. Go and have a light drink with them. May be it is in some of the restaurant or in any nightclub.

Embrace the time when you are alone. It is much better to be happier than being miserable.  

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