Monday, October 15, 2018

How to Get Rich Even If You Don't Have Much resource presently

Whenever it is the question of rich and poor you may think it as fortune or misfortune. Luck sometimes plays an important factor in deciding whether you will be shining in the future or be encircled by gloom. The family where you born into or the birth place, or the abundance of wealth or good luck might play greater role in making you rich or poor.

But what is important above all is your mind set. It is necessary to know what type of mindset you have. What dominates our life is our belief that steers our lives to the goal that we firmly believe it to be.

If all the time you think and experience about being poor, it is likely that you will have to continue being as poor. On the other side, if you aim at being rich and always hold the idea of being so, you are likely to get rich to richer day by day.

Poor people with their negative mindset search for problems, instead of finding the solutions. They normally make responsible to others for their poor conditions.
Rich people, even if they grow up in adverse condition, accept the situation as an opportunity to do something helpful for their career. They think that life will throw stones of obstacles on the road to success, but never turn them into reasons for your failure.

“They” feeling and “We” feeling

When working with others in the company or in any workplace, poor people always aloof themselves from the other members. Creating a concept of “they and us” the poor are not taking the responsibility, but ready to move the liability to others.

On the other hand, “what if” is a very common question in rich and successful people. They perceive potentiality in all,   rather than closing it with downbeat assumptions.

Importance of timeVs Importance of money

Poor people believe that if they work more hour, they will be able to earn an additional buck. They focus on lack of money that must be compensated with extra work and extra money.

The rich people focus on money over time. They focus on what they do, rather than worrying about it.

Competition Vs   Creation

The people of poor mindset are very much  competitive. This is because, they always compare with other people and try to follow them. The problem is that they never think in different ways.

The rich people bring success by accomplishing what they can without comparing or competing.

So, it matters a little where you start, it is about your attitude or mindset that matters. Start thinking from the stand of abundance and see how the things go on changing. It is not money, but situation that matter. Make the best use of the situation to spin money in a short time.  

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