Tuesday, January 22, 2019

How to make someone nice to you even when he is irritated at you

Meeting angry person in our everyday life and activities is nothing uncommon. It could be your friends, parents, relatives and even your spouse. If you are the one who always expect people around as nice and gentle, you are sure to involve in an uncomfortable situation.

But,  how will you make the person nice who is angry with you, or how can you bring the situation under your control? 

Every situation you face is unique. So,  it is necessary to know how to approach an angry individual technically:

Follow the 4 steps to fix the situation:

Avoid retaliation: first step to face an angry person is not to retaliate and never attack back. Counter attack  makes the person angrier. Don’t cut them off even though you feel humiliated. Put your pride aside, and move on, though it might infuriate the person more than before.

Show your concern about the situation: Show the person your concern about the situation the individual is involved. Angry people often think that they are misunderstood. Take time to listen to them. It will dramatically change the situation. Depending on the situation you make query like:

§  Can you share your problem so that I can help you?
§  It is very much unusual that you feel in such a way.
§  This should not be happened to you, can I help you?

These few sentences can be enough to make the angry person talking to you and eventually their problems also removed with the combined efforts.

Make yourself human 

The best answer to the fury of angry man is to be more polite and make yourself more human. Tell them after the fury is passed on about your feelings by using a few words like confused, scared, petrified or anxious. Also, let them realize that you have no intention to harm them using the words.  

Lighten the Mood by telling jokes etc.

The techniques need to be applied very carefully as the person who lacks generosity can often be overcome by this mood lightening technique. 

Consider flashing  a smile, telling a joke, or adding outlook to something are not so big, but it can produce a great result. What‘s  important to know is when and how much mood lightening jokes are right. Knowing these simple things will take you far in life.

 Bottom line

In spite of all these things said above, it is also true in some cases that you may fail to control someone else’s emotion. Some angry people never relent even after your thousands of effort to make them comfortable. In that case, never allow them to ruin your day. Move and be a better person.

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