Tuesday, April 23, 2019

How the choice of your words can change your brain

Be careful about using your words that you say because it could determine your day or even the life ahead. The experts say that the selection of our words can have greater impact on human lives than we think it to be in reality. The negative phrases like “I won’t”, “I can’t”, “It’s tough”, “It’s impossible” are very harmful. The use of them for a long time may change your brain.

Here is why…

Positive words make the frontal lobe stronger

A single word has the power to influence the expressions that controls our physical and emotional stress. By using positive words frequently during our day to day interaction, the frontal lobe areas get stimulated and it becomes more effective. The stimulation of the frontal lobe develops another area that is in charge of showing you right from the wrong. It suppresses the socially undesirable reaction. Consequently, the frequent use of positive words, will motivate you to take charge of your life and activities.

Negative words and phrases boost stress hormones

The use of too much negative words activates negative hormones, instead of happy hormones. It increases the stress hormones that leads to too much negativity. The words take over our body with the discharge of greater amount of negative hormone. Although little stress is good for our body, but an excess of it can cause a lot of problems with the physical and mental health. 

Changing the way, we observe ourselves and others in a different way

Furthermore, the use of encouraging words can change or modify the functions of the Parietal lobe area of the brain. It is the area that is in charge of how we observe ourselves and the other. It will make us bend over to see the good in others too.

However, the negative self-image causes to happen misgiving and uncertainty that changes our social behaviour.

The excited moments lead us to use the words for which we repent or regret once we cool down. According the experts, the throwing of angry words, close the areas of logic and reasoning located in the frontal lobe. This is the reason that most of us can’t think before we react.

But things are not out of our hands. By continuous practice of positive words, we can train the frontal lobe areas to be more effective when we are angry. If you are not so careful about the use of negative or positive words, start paying attention to your choice of words to pour in more positive emotion in your mind.

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